ASATools is a web serivce that helps iOS app owners understand revenue from Apple Search Ads traffic source on a keyword level.
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Skyduck (Co-Founder)
Skyduck - digital logbook app for skydivers. You can add your jumps as in your paper logbook or record your jump path with your phone.
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Snowduck (Co-Founder)
Power efficient and accurate ski tracking app. Just press the start button and enjoy your day!
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World Clock
World Clock – time zones converter app. Add the location you want and scroll the timeline to check what time will be there. On the calendar screen, you can easily find common working hours for the selected locations.
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Manual Camera
With mcamera you can control parameters that are not available in the standard camera app:
- Focus distance
- ISO sensitivity
- Shutter speed
- White balance
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- Focus distance
- ISO sensitivity
- Shutter speed
- White balance

Roller School
Rollerschool is an inline skating guide.
The project is developed by roller skating school instructors. We decided to collect the accumulated learning experience and fit it in the application.
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